viewLinc Application Programming Interface

to integrate viewLinc with existing systems

The Vaisala viewLinc Monitoring System measures a variety of environmental parameters in industrial and regulated GxP applications.  A continuous monitoring system that runs parallel to a building automation systems requires less complex validation and provides failsafe alarming, reports that fulfill GxP regulations and standards, and secure data integrity.

However, there are situations in which the measurement data from a dedicated monitoring system like viewLinc can add operational value and provide better data for decision-making.  It is often simpler and more efficient to combine the measurement data in a single system — such as a Manufacturing Execution System or Data Historian — than to manually combine and manage data from separate systems.

To ensure measurement data that is continuous, accurate and obtained from a validated system Vaisala developed the Application Programming Interface (API) for the Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server software.  The viewLinc API allows viewLinc to seamlessly integrate with the system of your choice. 


  • Access the hierarchical structure of the measurement locations
  • Real-time and historical measurement data, alarms and events
  • Accessible with standard HTTP requests and returned from viewLinc using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
  • Simple, open standard and human-readable data interchange format
  • Allows applications to parse and insert viewLinc data into your existing systems

Further reading